What scientific literature do you use in your course materials?

ecodemy was founded with the aim of providing easily understandable, objective and scientifically proven information about vegan nutrition. We perceive objectivity as one of the most important quality attributes of working in the field of science.

The content of scientific texts should be factual and neutral, so that everyone can form their own opinion. We develop and present our content independently of any manufacturer or institution. Furthermore, it is equally important for us to approach the vegan lifestyle neutrally from a scientific point of view. Therefore, we do not research with the intention that "the vegan diet has to be well-placed", but we always present topics from different angles. A good example therefore is obviously the potentially critical nutrients in a vegan diet.

Whenever possible, we strive to use the most recent scientific literature as the basis for our work. It is a great challenge, yet we are happy to take it on. The scientific literature in our course books is based on scientific studies, meta-analyses, reviews, as well as textbooks from the fields of nutrition/nutritional sciences, biochemistry, medicine, and psychology. Our literature database contains over 4,000 studies (both primary and secondary literature), it grows and is updated continually.


Science is characterized by its ongoing process. Thus it is essential to stay updated with the latest research. Furthermore, it is our concern to critically examine the available literature pool, to review publications according to the 12 scientific quality criteria and to compare the results and statements of different studies. In our course books, you will always find the corresponding source of literature related to certain statements.

A summary of the literature used can be found at the end of each chapter, so that our students do always have the opportunity to go back to the source of information and read it by themselves.

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