Do I have a first person contact?

You would like to have a contact person who is always there for you and whom you can turn to with your questions at any time?
You will get something even better here: we support you with our entire team!

The support team is your contact with regard to all non-nutrition-specific questions about your training. Feel free to reach out to and your questions or inquiries will be taken care of as soon as possible.

During your course, the entire lecturer team will be available to support you in the expert forums of our community. Why does it work this way? Because we are all experts in our respective fields, thus you will always get a response from the person who can answer your question most competently and quickly.

Therefore, it is absolutely beneficial for you to have not only one person on your side, but a whole team of experts. If you have a question about installing baseboards, you probably also don't want an answer from a car mechanic 😊

Maybe you've already taken a distance learning course before, and now you're afraid of silent forums and long waiting times to receive a response. We can promise you, this is not the case with our community! Currently, our vegan expert team answers about 300 questions per month in a professional manner and within a short amount of time.


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