To which distance learning DQR level (DQR/EQR/EQF) do your courses correspond?

The German "Distance Learning DQR" seal of approval is a seal of the Federal Association of Distance Learning Providers (Bundesverband der Fernstudienanbieter e. V.) for the classification of state-approved distance learning courses in the German or European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (DQR or EQF/EQF).

The Distance Learning DQR is intended to provide consumers an idea about the level of the intended degree of the distance learning course when concluding distance learning contracts.

The "Distance Learning DQR" seal of approval is the first seal that links the distance learning courses offered by state-approved distance learning schools with the qualification levels of the DQR or EQF/EQF and thus also ensures European comparability of the degrees.

Classifications of the ecodemy Trainings

Our foundation training "Vegan Nutritionist Course" corresponds to the distance learning DQR level 5. To our knowledge, it is therefore the offer with the highest classification compared to similar distance learning courses of other schools.

Fernstudien-DQR-Niveau ecodemy Veganer Ernährungsberater.jpg

Our additional trainings all correspond to the distance learning DQR level 4.

Vegan Nutrition for Athletes (coming soon!)

Our additional training "Vegan Nutrition for Athletes" corresponds to the distance learning DQR level 4.

Fernstudien-DQR-Niveau ecodemy Vegane Ernährung für Sportler

Vegan Nutrition for Mother and Child (coming soon!)

Our additional training "Vegan Nutrition for Mother and Child" corresponds to the distance learning DQR level 4.

Fernstudien-DQR-Niveau ecodemy Vegane Ernährung für Mutter und Kind

Explaining the respective levels

The DQR distinguishes eight reference levels to generally describe the competences that can be acquired in the German education system.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8

Level 1 describes competencies that are required to fulfill simple tasks in a clearly and stably structured field of work or study. The tasks are performed under direct supervision.



Having basic general knowledge. Having an initial insight into an area of learning or work.


Use cognitive and practical skills to perform simple tasks according to given rules and evaluate their results. Make elementary connections.

Personal competence

Social competence

Learn, work, exchange information and ideas verbally and in written form with others.


Learn or work under guidance. Evaluate one's own and others' actions and take study consultation.

Why this is relevant for you as a student or graduate

In Germany and many other countries, (vegan) nutrition counseling is a liberal (health) profession, which means it is not regulated by public law. At the same time, there are a lot of nutrionist trainings on the market and people often have difficulties to choose a high-quality training.

The (distance learning) DQR makes the offers of (state-approved and certified distance learning courses or) trainings (in general) - throughout Europe - comparable. So, on the one hand, it is one of potentially several quality features (state-approved training, TÜV-tested institute in Germany, reputation of the institute within a specific field, etc.) that a training or an institute can have.

On the other hand, it is also a quality feature of your own qualification and education. The (distance learning) DQR is differentiated into eight levels, which involve certain professional and personal competences that must/should be attained with the respective training within a specific subject area. This allows your clients or future employers to assess your level of qualification - only theoretically. Practically, of course, you convince them with your actions 😉

The distance learning DQF level of our distance learning trainings will be indicated on the certificate as well as in the profiles in the International Directory for Vegan Nutritionists, if the graduate requests to get an entry there. 

Sources and further reading:

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