How can I create a new topic in the forum?

You can create a new topic in the respective subforum. Navigate to the forum in the following way: 

Main Navigationarrow-circle-right.svgCOMMUNITYarrow-circle-right.svgFORUMSarrow-circle-right.svgSUBFORUM



At the end of the page you will find a form to create a new topic.

Another way is to create a topic from the newsfeed:

Main Navigationarrow-circle-right.svgCOMMUNITYarrow-circle-right.svgNEWSFEED



Click on CREATE A NEW TOPIC at the top of the newsfeed page. 

This is how you can create a new topic: 

  1. Only if you are in the newsfeed, you can select the forum in which you want to create your new topic. 
  2. Think of a unique title and write the content of the topic.
  3. You can also tag friends in your post (@friend). Find the username of community members right next to their profile picture on their profile page. 
  4. Add tags to your topic, so that it can be found with these keywords. Use commas to separate the tags. 
  5. Check the box if you want to be notified about replies.
  6. Click on SUBMIT.
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