You can create a new topic in the respective subforum. Navigate to the forum in the following way:
Main NavigationCOMMUNITY
At the end of the page you will find a form to create a new topic.
Another way is to create a topic from the newsfeed:
Main NavigationCOMMUNITY
Click on CREATE A NEW TOPIC at the top of the newsfeed page.
This is how you can create a new topic:
- Only if you are in the newsfeed, you can select the forum in which you want to create your new topic.
- Think of a unique title and write the content of the topic.
- You can also tag friends in your post (@friend). Find the username of community members right next to their profile picture on their profile page.
- Add tags to your topic, so that it can be found with these keywords. Use commas to separate the tags.
- Check the box if you want to be notified about replies.
- Click on SUBMIT.