How can I create a new group?

If you want to create a group, go to:

Main Navigationarrow-circle-right.svgCOMMUNITYarrow-circle-right.svgGROUPSarrow-circle-right.svgCREATE GROUP


Quick-Linksarrow-circle-right.svgGROUPSarrow-circle-right.svgCREATE GROUP

You can then create a group as follows:

  1. Think of a name for your group and write a brief group description.
  2. Choose a suitable group type: public, private or hidden.
  3. Choose people who can add members to the group.
  4. You can also upload a picture for your group. Please note that you are not allowed to use any copyrighted images.
  5. Lastly, you can send invitations to your friends and add them to the group.
  6. Click on FINISH.
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