How can I make a member a moderator or administrator?

In order to manage members, go to your group:

Quick-Linksarrow-circle-right.svgMY PROFILEarrow-circle-right.svgGROUPSarrow-circle-right.svgMEMBERSHIPS


Main Navigationarrow-circle-right.svgCOMMUNITYarrow-circle-right.svgGROUPSarrow-circle-right.svgMY GROUPS


Quick-Linksarrow-circle-right.svgGROUPSarrow-circle-right.svgMY GROUPS

Promote members to be a moderator or administrator:

  1. Click on the name of your group in the group overview.
  2. Click on the tab MANAGE.
  3. Click on the tab MEMBERS
  4. Select the member from the list and click on Promote to Moderator / Promote to Administrator.
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